
I am studying English


I am studying English to meet and enjoy different people, culture & idea of life.


the Indian restaurant in New York


This is the Indian restaurant in New York. Family relationship is quite important for Asians even after immigrating in the US. 


I saw a rainbow


Today, the trees in my garden were swaying in the wind before the typhoon, rustling and shaking as if the forest were playing an orchestra.

Looking east, I saw a rainbow. And above myself, clouds are moving in a flurry. Typhoons are an annoying weather phenomenon, but there is a certain atmosphere and tastes that move us before and after a storm, and I can't help but sit in my chair in the garden and watch the forest. Usually in the evening, the sound of cicadas comes from the forest, but today they seem to be still in the wind.

I hope storm give us a break in the summer.


The old bravery of the Filipino hill tribes


The old bravery of the Filipino hill tribes. In the U.S. or anywhere else, people who have lived there for a long time are now using their traditions as a tourist resource, but they are losing something much more. This may be true for Japan as well.


The poster in a subway in New York City.


The poster in a subway in New York City.  This kind of thing gives you a good idea of the culture and society of the country. The content is that this is a country of immigrants and they are providing multilingual support in public schools for their children. This is the background of America's competitiveness, and the population is growing in this country, rather than the challenges of a declining population.