
Lady of American Indian


What and why are you praying in the transparent sunset time? Lady of American Indian was just silent.


Cathedral in Guadalajara


Mexico, Philippines and Japan were connected in 16th-early 17th centuries over the Pacific with Spanish traders. This cathedral in Guadalajara has the record of Martyrdom happened in Japan around that time 


Trump supporter

This Asian lady is a fanatic Trump supporter. Why do rock-solid supporters follow Trump?
One reason is that his words and the way he expresses them are quite simple and easy to understand.
The United States is a country where the media is guaranteed freedom of the press. However, the contradiction is that the media, as a business, tends to try to improve their ratings by expressing things in a simpler way. This business practices can create the trend for people to jump to messages that are easier to understand.
The simplicity of the “Make America Great Again.” message also have attracted this Asian woman. Whether her comments are true or not is questionable. However, it is important to note that Trump's bedrock supporters are not just people of Caucasian descent, but also some of these new immigrants with strong attachments to America.
Understanding America requires exploration of many different aspects. Among from such aspects, one of the most important American values is the right of each person to freely pursue his or her happiness. However, when more and more people realize that this is simply a propaganda due to the reality of the tough life, then when various grievances and frustrations grow through the gaps, the divisions are created within Americans. 
This is probably what causes people to become more inclined toward the simple and refreshing messages.
I do not want to comment on which side is right and which side is wrong. However, one thing I want to mention is that the most serious cause of the current division is that people on either side have lost the way to touch, listen and empathize with the backgrounds and hearts of the people on the other side.


small industrial revolution


In between my busy work schedule, I worked on a small industrial revolution.
Until now, I spent many days from spring to summer chopping wood with an axe to make firewood for the winter stove. This is because if the wood is not made by summer, it will not dry out sufficiently.
However, a local friend came over with a wood-chopper machine on his truck and I borrowed it to use. This friend is an amazing man who emigrated from Iran and is now a carpenter in Japan. He has worked on the renovation of Ikebukuro station (one of the biggest stations in Tokyo) and other major buildings. He now lives in my hometown and helps me with many things. He also imparts wisdom of life that has been passed down from generation to generation in his country.
Anyway, I tried the machine. Although I am not used to it, with this machine, my work will be 10 times more efficient! But it does not use muscles, so the amount of exercise is reduced to one-tenth.
Which is better? It is exactly the issue of convenience and degeneration that all human beings are facing. Anyway, in the pleasant early summer air, while enjoying the scent of wood, I managed to split a huge amount of wood and produce firewood in one day.
Then there is the task of putting it on special shelves. This cannot be done without manual labor.
The sound of a bush warbler can be heard coming from the forest. It was a day that made me think that we must cherish nature.
Starting next week, I will be traveling to Korea and the U.S. for three weeks for training business. The quiet ease will be over soon.


Mountain temple in southern Kyoto

Mountain temple in southern Kyoto is covered with autumn leaves. Take a deep breathe to feel the winter steps. 



Zocalo in Mexico City


Spending the last night at Zocalo in Mexico City before the flight for Tokyo gave me special attachment.

Departure time is just several hours away.